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Honeymoon 2.0_2016

Our Honeymoon 2.0 was a week to remember! We did so many things, from such different extremes. We will never forget our one year anniversary and we are so grateful for the time we could spend together. It was spontaneous, adventurous, and above all more fun than we could ever imagine. It started out with a drive to Cherry Spring park in PA… I guess it’s the best place to star gaze in PA…Very romantic. It rained a little and our fire wood was already wet so we had trouble starting our fire… We were hungry and starting to get cold (I went to store for starters) when one of our neighbor camper drover her car full of hot coals to our camp site to help us out ( Guardian Angel ). Photo-wise was workable...We had a dewy night, but the skies cleared up for a few hours so cleaning lenses was a job in it self... but we enjoyed being out away from home.

The second day we drove to Rickets Glen, PA. Known for it’s amazing stream of waterfalls. We explored…took pictures and I washed my stinky sandals in the freezing clear water. Then took a shower on our amazing camp-site right off the lake. ( Ask my wife… I needed it. ) Then we started a fire, made some enchiladas, drank some wine from our wedding, ate our wedding cake, watched our wedding video and cried like babies. It was awesome!

The third day we packed up camp and set off to New York City. We did all the touristy things we could think of… visited our friend Bianca and had a blast reconnecting and enjoying each others company.

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